My initial thoughts about podcasting in education were a bit skeptical. I was not very sure that I would sit and listen to people just talk. I found that the talking was very interesting.
I listened to How To Stay Current This Summer from TechPodZone by Mike Dionne. He was saying to go to as many teacher conferences as you want this summer. Listen and learn how you can be an active conference participant from the comfort of your own home.
I think that he brought some very valid points to mind. The summer is a time to recharge for the year, but also you can get ideas and training for the upcoming year. I think that the information he gave was great. We can go online and find podcasts and blogs to follow and find how you can apply the information for your class. Also, he mentioned the use of online seminars or virtual conferences. He called them webinars.
I could use podcasts to learn ideas for my professional growth. I can always use new and innovative ways to teach. I may not always know how to motivate students with my ideas and new fresh ideas may help.
I also listened to the Math Factor Podcast. I found this interesting for me. I enjoy learning about new mathematical theories that are being developed. I was also able to get some puzzles to work on that was fun!
I haven't fully jumped on board with podcasting yet. However, I realize that it is becoming increasingly popular in schools. Also, I think most students will love it.